Salvia Seeds Salvia Reddy Bright Red 1,000 Seeds
Salvia Seeds Salvia Reddy Bright Red 1,000 Seeds
Scientific Name: Dwarf Salvia splendens
Seed Count 1,000
Height: 8” - 10"
Width: 8” - 10"
Exposure: Sun
General Information: Naturally dwarf salvia produces a large number of dense, brightly colored flowers above dark green foliage.
Grower Information:
The only naturally dwarf, non-stretching salvias on the market; need no PGRs and are the perfect choice for plug and pack production. Early and uniform series produces a large number of dense, brightly colored flowers above dark green foliage. Daylength neutral.
These are bulk seeds from supplier and are a custom order for you please allow 2 to 3 weeks for delivery of this item. The bulk purchase it totally separate from our regular website we offer small amounts there and most are in stock. Seeds may be supplied as treated or coated